Liebster award

In the early hours of this morning, between dealing with a four year old who wouldn’t sleep and getting up to feed my ten week old I received an exciting email. I always love it when I get comments on my work and this was definitely no exception. The lovely Ruth from travelling true north had nominated me for the Liebster Award!

My first thought was obviously ‘Who me? The person who has only been blogging for about a month?’ the second was one of immense curiosity and flattery. What was this award? Well here’s the gist… The Liebster award is an appreciation award given to you by fellow bloggers to recognise your work. There is no physical award, just the pride in knowing that others appreciate what you do. A lovely idea right? I am not normally one for chain letters as I am very superstitious and conscious of spam but this seems so genuinely sweet and is a great way to get to know other bloggers. There are of course a list of rules regarding nominations:

  1. Add the logo to your blog either as an image or as a widget
  2. You should write 11 random facts about yourself
  3. You must answer the questions given to you by your nominator
  4. Then set your own questions for your nominees
  5. choose 5 nominees (this number has differed throughout time, almost like Chinese whispers, but I have opted for the original rules as too many nominees devalues the honour in my opinion.)
  6. The nominees should have less than 200 followers
  7. Once you have nominated you should then notify them.

  So here we go… banner1

  1. I share my birthday with Mickey Mouse
  2. I have been with my husband for eleven years
  3. I aspire to be an author
  4. When I was younger I wanted to be an Egyptologist
  5. I was a member of Tony Robinson’s Young Archaeologists’ Club
  6. I get stage fright
  7. If I had a superpower it would be the ability to alter the colours of objects (imagine the endless wardrobe and décor options!)
  8. I have had my mouth washed out with soap (It’s not just an idle threat.)
  9. It is physically impossible for me to tan
  10. The song I sing to my children to get them to sleep is Smile by Nat King Cole
  11. Despite being 4ft11 I was still taller than my nan.


1. What is your favourite place to holiday?

Anywhere with culture. I’d love to do the German Fairy-Tale Route 

2. What do you dream to achieve in life?

To have happy, healthy children who believe in creativity and endless possibilities.

3. Do you speak any other languages, if so, what?

Sadly not, unless the ramblings of a four year old count

4. If you became a millionaire, what would you do first?

Buy celebratory ice cream and then a family home full of character

5. If you were a piece of furniture, what would you be and why?

An armchair because my children could curl up on my lap

6. What’s your favourite sound?

My sons breathing

7. Who would be at your dream dinner table (4 guests)?

Cherry Healey, Tom Hardy, Gene Kelly and Jimmy Stewart

8. Why do you like to blog?

It helps me practice my writing and leaves a small stamp of what I can achieve on the world

9. What’s your dream job?

A writer. I love to write novels and to get paid for it would be heaven.

10. What will you do next today?


11. What’s your most happy memory? Seeing my husband cry when our youngest son was born Untitled3 So in the spirit of sharing appreciation I’d love to nominate the following, and ask them some questions too (Yes I have deviated from the rules slightly with the 200 followers aspect):

  1. makennaguyler
  2. neonwanderlust
  3. lostinknit
  4. littlegreenshedblog
  5. gingerlillytea
  1. What literary or film character do you love but really shouldn’t?
  2. What was the last film that made you cry?
  3. What would be your utopia?
  4. What era would you most like to live in?
  5. Who is the most famous person you’ve met?
  6. What kick starts your day?
  7. What is your favourite feel good song?
  8. Coffee or tea?
  9. What is your guilty pleasure?
  10. What is your favourite word?
  11. What would be your ideal superpower?

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